
About Assured Management

Assured Management Limited is a boutique funds manager specialising in first mortgage investments.

Assured Management Limited obtained its ASIC Securities Dealers Licence in 1999 at the commencement of the Managed Investments Act (1998), and has been offering investors the opportunity to invest in the Assured Mortgage Fund since that time.

Two of the Directors have been involved in the mortgage funds management business since the early 1990's and one of the Directors has been involved in the mortgage industry generally since 1978. In total, all Directors have a combined experience in the mortgage industry in excess of 55 years.

This experience has been instrumental in maintaining high performance and the continuing prosperity of the Assured Mortgage Fund, even through difficult economic times.

Assured Management Limited has always maintained a focus on the markets in which its investments are being placed and will continue to do so in the future.

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Discover why to Invest with us?

A few reasons why you should invest with us:

  • Current returns of up to 8.75% per annum net* paid monthly
  • No entry or exit fees
  • High return investment with First Mortgage Security
  • Security of assured monthly interest program**
  • Conservative investment strategy
  • Proven experience with investment funds
  • Dealing with an ASIC licensed security dealer
  • A choice of investment opportunities
  • Highly qualified and experienced directors
  • Personalised service